Dues: $25
You may pay via credit card on this website or you can send a check.
If you pay by check please make the check payable to Lake of the Woods Improvement Association and enclose your name, email address, phone number and your lake address and note if you would or would not want the Riparian magazine. Send all of this information with your check to this address:
If you pay by check please make the check payable to Lake of the Woods Improvement Association and enclose your name, email address, phone number and your lake address and note if you would or would not want the Riparian magazine. Send all of this information with your check to this address:
Lake of the Woods Improvement Association
P.O. Box 188.
Decatur, MI 49045-0188
P.O. Box 188.
Decatur, MI 49045-0188
To pay by PayPal or credit card:
Please complete this form and submit if paying online.
Please complete this form and submit if paying online.
Then click on the logo to pay your dues by credit card and PayPal.