July 2023
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RETRO T SHIRT7/14/2023 At tomorrows mtg and picnic Saturday July 15th we will be taking orders for a Lake of the Woods shirt that was printed about 20 years ago and we have had a lot of interest in printing these again. There will be a order sheet if you have any interest in ordering a shirt. The price of the short sleeve shirt should be around $15.00 per shirt. Below is the picture of the shirt.
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2023 LOWIA Boat Parade7/2/2023 Well, we had nine decorated boats participate in our annual boat parade, even with a possible rain storm on the way. Heavy, heavy thunder and very dark clouds looming at 6:00 pm, but LUCKILY it blew away from all of us on the lake, and it became slightly cooler with not a drop of rain. Many thanks to the families who took the time to decorate their boats for the parade. Thanks to our Grand Marshal, the Richter family, and also to our 6 judges. The judges were the Neubauer family, Fulwiler family, Malburg family, Panico family, Iwan family and the Vanwhy family. We enjoyed some libation with Jello shots, and candy canes also tossed out. And YESSSS Die Hard is a Christmas movie!!! WE THINK haha.
The decoration themes were: Reynolds family/Christmas Bird family/Take me out to the ballgame Jacob/Taylor Swifties, The Eras Tour Hamood/WWE wrestling ring Boonstra/Barbie Hillyer/God Bless America Bree/The Krusty Krab Younker/7th inning stretch Morgan/candyland All prizes for the top four boats were donated by Jim Rau at Apollo Marine in Lawton MI. THANKS JIM. SOOOOOO, drumroll please … here are the results you’ve been waiting for, First place, Reynolds family with Christmas theme, reindeers, costumes and even SNOW, Second place, Boonstra family with a Barbie and Ken theme. Third place, Hamood family with WWE wrestling with all the WWE wrestling superstars in attendance in a ring. Tied for fourth were the Bird family with Take me out to the ballgame and the Younker family with 7th inning stretch theme, Put me in Coach! Since there was a tie for fourth, the next two places were Fifth place to the Jacob family with Taylor Swift theme Sixth place was Bree family with The Krusty Krab theme Tied for seventh place was the Hillyer family with God Bless America theme, and the Morgan Family with Candyland theme Thanks again everybody! SEE YOU ALL IN 2024!! Bob Richter, President LOWIA |